Similar to Custom Error Mappings, Sapling can also be customized to ignore certain errors.
For example, suppose you want to ignore any suggestions that change In to Within at the start of sentences. Simply add this to the Custom Error Filters section under Custom Options in your team dashboard. You should end up with something like this.
Suppose you wanted to ignore suggestions of Within no matter what the original text is.
Just leave the Input field empty and use Within for the Output field, and vice versa for cases where you want to filter all edits for a certain input no matter the output.
CSV Uploads
Custom error filters can be uploaded via CSV file format.
Format requirements:
- There should be no header/field labels or an empty row
- The first column will be parsed as the "Input" field
- The second column will be parsed as the "Output" field
- The third column will be parsed as the "Case Sensitive" field (use "T" or "F")
Upload Procedure:
- Select a file using the file picker.
- If necessary, check the "Case Sensitive" option for the upload
- Click the "Upload" button to upload the file.
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