For large organizations and teams, it is sometimes difficult to ensure users click on the links in invitation emails, whether due to blocking of bulk emails sent to the domain or due to inconsistent safelisting of emails by IT.
To circumvent this issue, Sapling can enable Invite Links where team admins can create temporary links to a team. Assuming the user is registered and has a matching email domain, clicking on the invite link will add them to the team for which that link was created.
Using invite links
First, contact to make sure that invite links are enabled for your team.
Then, from under the team, visit User Controls > Invite Users. You should see a Create Invite Link button.
Click on that button to get a popup with the link
Copy that link and share it with the members of your team that need to join that Sapling team.
You can regenerate a new link whenever you wish.
Can we set an expiration date for invite links?
By default, invite links are valid for 1 week; contact us if you need to change this.
What happens if users share links?
Sapling will configure the email domains that will be allowed to join your team. If multiple users that have emails that match your business use the same invite link, they will all be added.
What happens if a user that is part of the team uses the invite link?
The user will be alerted that they are part of the team.
What permissions will users that click on the invite links be given?
The user will be given the lowest setting of permissions (none).
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